Immunity | Recovery | Recuperation | Foundations | Darkness Into Light | Return from Darkness | Changes
Forays into Fan Fiction

Terry L. Odell

My son got me hooked on the Highlander: The Series universe. After reading fan fiction for a while, and editing for several authors, I decided to see what happened if I tried writing some myself.

All the characters in the Highlander universe are borrowed. These stories are written purely for my own enjoyment. If you like them, too, so much the better. I make no profit from them. However, your feedback is just as good; please drop me a line and let me know what you think.

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Last Updated 3 November 2001

The Stories

The "Immortal Flu" Series


Duncan finds that his quiet getaway weekend is anything but.


Duncan finds that relying on friends is not necessarily a bad thing. A sequel to "Immunity"


Duncan continues to need help recovering and dealing with Anne's departure. A sequel to "Immunity" and "Recovery"


The violence Duncan dislikes in his lifestyle turns out to be the catalyst for reclaiming the life of a friend.

In an Alternative Universe where Tessa lives

Darkness Into Light

What would have happened if Tessa hadn't died the night she was shot? An alternative to "Darkness."

Return from Darkness

A year after Tessa was shot, Richie wants to prove he can take care of business, but things go very, very wrong.


Tessa and Duncan must make some changes in their lives.